Tag Archives: music lessons nashville

Adult Chamber Ensemble

Adult Chamber Ensemble Comes to Nashville Music Academy!

Adult students of Nashville Music Academy may now participate in our Chamber Ensemble. The ensemble meets once a month to perform and also off campus to rehearse. The material is selected by the group. Multi-instrumentalist Inti Jimenez leads the ensemble. The only requirement to join is that you are currently enrolled in private lessons at the Academy. For more information, please call or text 615-521-1937.

Trumpet and Brass Instructor

NMA Welcomes New Trumpet and Brass Instructor Rob Quallich

Nashville Music Academy welcomes trumpet and brass instructor Rob Quallich to the staff at our Nashville location. Rob studied Jazz Performance at Virginia Commonwealth University where he was quickly recruited for the Madison Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps. He has played and recorded with K.D. Lang, Bon Iver, Blind Boys of Alabama, The Glen Miller Orchestra, Tony Vega and many more. Quallich is available for online and in person trumpet and brass lessons.

Please enjoy this video of Rob at a AR Resonance demo.

Kelsey Blackstone

NMA Welcomes New Music Instructor Kelsey Blackstone

Nashville Music Academy is pleased to welcome Kelsey Blackstone to the staff as a music instructor. Blackstone offers lessons for voice, piano, guitar and cello. She is a Berklee College of Music graduate with over 5 years of teaching experience, and is great with students of any age or ability. Blackstone is also an award winning songwriter and avid performer. Call/text us (615-521-1937)  to set up a music lesson with Kelsey. Read her bio HERE

Gift Certificates for Music Lessons

Holiday Gift Certificates for Music Lessons

This time of year is a bright spot that happens every year when people purchase gift certificates from Nashville Music Academy for a spouse, grandchild, friend, parent… There’s always a story about why they are making the purchase. There is also never a shortage of excitement to present the gift certificate. We truly love these acts of giving a skill or experience versus something material. While both are important, there’s something beautiful about a gift that keeps on giving and music lessons are definitely that gift.

If you would like to purchase a gift certificate, they are available at this link. Once purchased, please email us at info@nashvillemusicacademy.org with the personalized information and you will receive your gift certificate for music lessons (any instrument, any age) within 24 hours.

Outdoor Music Lessons

Outdoor music lessons are a great solution for those ready to get back to in-person lessons, but still very cautious about Covid19. All lessons can be done outdoors. We are offering $5 off the first lesson so you can see if it’s for you!

Learn more about outdoor COVID-19 transmission.

Read up on our Back to School Special here!

2020 Nashville Music Academy Back To School Special

This school year will present us with unprecedented challenges, and also opportunities. Our 2020 Nashville Music Academy Back To School Special recognizes that homeschooling and distance learning will be a big part of your scholar’s educational experience this Fall.

We are excited to welcome many new online students, and to say THANK YOU we are taking $5 off their first virtual lesson and shipping a FREE pack of music flashcards to assist with distance learning. Online lessons are available for any age and every instrument. Call or text today to set up your lesson or ask any questions: 615-521-1937. 

Gift Certificates

Nashville Music Academy gift certificates are the perfect way to give the gift that keeps on giving: music. NMA offers Skype lessons for long distance students, so those not located in Nashville are still able to receive lessons.

Our highly accomplished staff of instructors are among Nashville’s best. The staff consists of 17 skilled musicians, with lessons ranging from voice to strings, piano, drums, brass and more. With award winning drummers Phil Yochum and Ben Andrew, your student is guaranteed the best. Piano instructor Elliot McClain has a Master of Music degree, and is blind, with his lessons focusing on aural and improvisational skills. Shelly Blair, violin instructor, is a creative teacher who also works with our Valor after school music program. Our diverse staff will teach both music and life lessons.

Give the gift of music today with a Nashville Music Academy Gift Certificate.

Mentor Spotlight

Mentor Spotlight from NMA Director, Tatia Rose

Mentor Spotlight – By Tatia Rose (Director, Nashville Music Academy)

Hopefully, we all have that teacher, mentor or advisor who has shaped our lives for the better. For me, this was a fortunate collection of individuals who came in and out of my life over the years… my father who taught me to be curious about the truth, my mother who taught me to be kind (and was also my first piano teacher), and later in life business mentors who showed me the result of the audacity of believing in yourself. However, there was one person whose advice stood out above all others, and that was of my college advisor Dr. Crotti (WVU). He saw me struggling at a difficult crossroads in my life. I had just changed my major from Finance to Music, and mostly because I was lost in life in general. I was rebellious, and discipline was unfamiliar in my piano practice. At home, my father was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s and the man who was once my moral compass, was drifting away himself. Unlike some of my other instructors (who brushed me off as lacking the seriousness needed to succeed), Dr. Crotti pushed me hard to acknowledge the personal choices I was making and their impact on my life. For someone like him, a professor (Written Theory, my least favorite subject), to see something worth saving in me, turned the whole thing around. I think that’s one of the important roles of a mentor; to reflect your own potential. Today, I am the Director a nationally recognized academic institution. Dr. Crotti gave me the key to open these doors, and it’s such an honor to share this Mentor Spotlight about him today.

trumpet lessons

Trumpet Lessons with Nick Haynes at Nashville Music Academy

Trumpet lessons are available at Nashville Music Academy! Instructor Nick Haynes joined the staff a couple of weeks ago and we are delighted to have him onboard. He has years of teaching and touring experience and has played with renowned artists and bands like MercyMe, Tim Akers & The Smoking Section, and Denver & The Mile High Orchestra.  This experience has definitely contributed to his teaching ability. Nick says about teaching, “I strive to push a student to the fullest potential that can be achieved in each and every lesson. In my own experiences as a player, I have developed the best by playing along side a player that is a strong player rather than playing only by myself.” By playing side by side in lessons , the student is able to check the progress made in personal practice each week. Every lesson includes work in the following areas: warm up, fundamental technique on air, finger dexterity and scales, performance technique, ear training, sight-reading, and repertoire. You can learn more about Nick on his website: nickhaynestrumpet.com

Pricing for trumpet lessons is as follows: half hour $30, forty-five minutes $40 and the hour at $55. We accept cash, check, Visa and MC. Students of all ages and abilities are welcome. If you need recommendations on renting a trumpet, please give us a call at 615-521-1937.


cello teacher

Cello Teacher Spotlight on Hannah Koshgarian

Cello teacher Hannah Koshgarian is a valuable addition to the Nashville Music Academy. She has an impressive educational background that begin at the University of Kansas, where she performed with the University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra. Hannah transferred to Fort Hays State University in 2012, where she continued to study cello through private lessons, as well as performing with the Hays Symphony Orchestra, the Fort Hays Sinfonietta Chamber Orchestra, and various musical and opera pit orchestras. Koshgarian was also the 2014-2015 recipient of the Edwin Moyers Orchestra Award, given each year to an exemplary string student. She graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Technology. Hannah currently plays with the Spring Hill Orchestra, various worship teams, and several recording artists throughout Nashville, while devoting time to being a cello teacher. Her students enjoy a wide variety of instruction in various genres ranging from classical to pop music.

Cello lessons with Hannah are available throughout on weekdays and on the weekend. To make an appointment with Hannah, give us a call at 615-521-1937 or make an appointment online here. Appointments with Hannah, our cello teacher, can be made under the selection “music instructor” at this link. If you are considering taking lessons, it is important to consider an instrument purchase. Cellos come in  different sizes. Standard  cellos are referred to as “4/4” and smaller cellos may be referred to in fractional sizes, such as 7/8, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/10 and 1/16. Smaller cellos are  the same as their full-sized counterpart, just scaled down for children.  While it is a large instrument, the cello is relatively light weight, weighing only 5 – 7 lbs. Hannah is available to make recommendations about where to purchase or rent a cello.


piano lessons increase math skills

Music and Memory: A Stronger Mind Through Music Education

Music and memory; a topic that interests parents, care-givers, physicians, and educators. You have probably seen the video of elderly dementia patients listening to music and traveling back in time mentally to a place they previously couldn’t remember. Several studies support that music and memory are connected, most notably the recent ones outlined in the article here that outline how music aids in learning language, repairing damaged brain, and activating the auditory, motor and emotional regions of the brain.

My father had Alzheimer’s Disease, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that there is a connection between memory and music.  When I would go to his Alzheimer’s unit and play the piano or sing for him, he would draw closer to me. Sometimes he would even make eye contact and speak (this was in the later stages of his disease). The other residents on his floor would also come over and listen. They would appear more relaxed, and their anxiety would lessen whenever music was being played. Because of that experience, I have strongly campaigned for more music volunteers and listening programs for nursing homes and Alzheimer care units.

Music also assists with learning new languages. It is often found that when students sing the phrases they are trying to learn, their retention rate increases dramatically. This is because music activates parts of the brain known as the auditory cortices (on both sides of the brain). Listening involves the memory centers in the brain which assists with retention. When you incorporate a rhythmic movement, like tapping along with the music, your cerebellum becomes involved. All of this simultaneous action is excellent for the mind and it’s development.

Besides learning new languages, music can benefit many people suffering from brain injury. When neuroscience began mapping the brain while it was engaged in either listening or performing music, they discovered that music accesses and activates the systems of auditory perception, attention, memory, executive control, and motor control. It can drive complex patterns of interaction among them and repair damaged parts of the brain by increasing neuropathic activity. It’s kind of like a jump start for the damaged parts of the brain.

We have always enjoyed music, but now the benefits to music and memory are proving to be more than just enjoyable. Whether you want to give your child a leg up in math, science, or language; or you have a parent suffering from dementia, music can be a great gift.

Childhood development

Music and Childhood Development, Climb Every Mountain

Childhood development is the concern of every parent, and I am no exception. As a music teacher I am acutely aware of the advantages certain children are afforded when they are exposed to private tutoring, particularly music lessons. If are children are to, “Climb Every Mountain” as Julie Andrews sang, then we need to prepare them properly. Music lessons at an early age (as early as 2 -3 y/o) can give them cognitive and memory abilities that will give them an edge later in life.

There are several ways ways music lessons are a positive influence during childhood development. In an article on Bright Horizons, they list several of these:

“Music ignites all areas of child development: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. For children and adults, music helps strengthen memory skills.”

As a piano teacher, I have witnessed all of these benefits. The intuitive nature of musical intellect, the social relationship between the teacher and student, the emotional outlet and expression, practice and technique improving fine motor skills, expanded language through musical terms, and of course literacy (words and music have been partners forever). Most of my very youngest students are around the age of 3. Within 4 – 6 lessons, I’ve seen the aforementioned improvements in childhood development. Typically, it usually take 6 months before they are playing a song on their own, at age 3. So remember parents, if we are going to help them “Climb Every Mountain”, we have to start sooner than later.

About the author: Tatia Rose is the Director/Classical Piano Instructor at Nashville Music Academy.

latin music

Cinco De Mayo Spotlight: Latin Music

Latin music is a large part of our American society. No more do we realize this than on Cinco De Mayo when our senses are flooded with the rhythms and instruments of our Latin American friends. Latin music combines the “musical traditions of Mexico, Central America, and the portions of South America and the Caribbean colonized by the Spanish and the Portuguese. These traditions reflect the distinctive mixtures of Native American, African, and European influences that have shifted throughout the region over time.”

Instruments indigenous to Latin American music are mostly stringed and woodwind instruments as well as percussion. These stringed instruments include guitar and guitar-like instruments, lute, mandolin, harp, and violin. As for the woodwind instruments, many of them are flutes. Most are single-pipe vertical flutes with “either whistle-type (e.g., the pincollos of the Inca) or end-notched (e.g., the Andean quena) mouthpieces. Whistles and ocarinas are also found throughout Latin America.” The percussion instruments are the prominent sound of Latin Music and include a rich history of use. These include “slit-drums, single-headed small drums, cup-shaped ceramic drums, double-headed drums (e.g., bombos), and a great variety of shaken rattles (maracas), scrapers, and stamping tubes.”

At Nashville Music Academy, we offer music lessons for genres, styles, and instruments specific to Latin American music. We have two instructors at NMA that have experience to help you reach your latin music performance goals. They are Chris Leidecher (percussion) and Michael Gutierrez (woodwinds). Guitar instructor Adam Korsvik is also available for Acoustic and Spanish Guitar instruction. Call today! 615-521-1937 to make an appointment.


References from Britannica.


music therapy

Music Therapy and PTSD

Music Therapy is a different practice than music lessons, however the therapeutic qualities of music lessons cannot be denied. When I first began teaching, the studio offered free music lessons to the children of active duty military. I witnessed first-hand some of these parents struggling with PTSD. It affected their whole family. But I also saw how much the students brought joy to their parents when they would perform their songs, or conquer their fears and give a grand performance at the annual recital.

This I found interesting for many reasons, and apparently so did the US Military in 1945. At that time, the U.S. War Department issued Technical Bulletin 187, which introduced a program that used music for “reconditioning among service members convalescing in Army hospitals.” Today, these initiatives have been further expanded so that they range from a program for active duty airmen to “foster coping and stress management around deployment, to programs that center on the use of songwriting to address issues associated with symptoms of PTSD, to programs that address the needs of service members and veterans with polytrauma in rehabilitation.” Personally, I have had students that used the activity of playing an instrument to lesson anxiety, deal with insomnia, and also cope with the depression and isolation that PTSD produces.

Music Therapy has been proven, over many decades, to help those suffering from many maladies. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from the therapeutic qualities of music lessons, please reach out for a personal consultation at info@nashvillemusicacademy.org.


Citations found HERE.

music therapy

Music Healing Our Mind and Bodies

Billy Joel on Music Healing

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from everyone loves music.”

Today’s research agrees with Billy Joel. The healing powers of music help us cope with pain, but also benefit our physical and mental health. Fortunately, music is a common thread in every human society.

Physically speaking, music has been shown to descrease pain, motivate athletic performance and endurance, improve sleep quality, decrease over-eating habits, and enhance blood vessel function.

In terms of mental improvement, music has been proven to reduce stress, enhance the meditative state, decrease the severity and frequency of the symptoms of depression, sharpen cognitive skills, and increase successful performance in stressful environments. The benefits of music are also seen in easing patient stress related to surgery and cancer therapy.

The healing power of music is a universal medicine, one which the whole world can partake. You can begin the path to a sounder mind and body today at Nashville Music Academy. We take appointments 6 days a week from 10 am til 8 pm (see weekend hours). It’s time to start taking your music vitamins Nashville!

References/fact-check found at  http://greatist.com.